Wednesday, January 27, 2010


This Organized Tuesday was…



Work, where I am usually quite organized, has been having issues. Well…The issues have festered, and the culminating has done culminated! Putting out fires and surviving is the mode I am in…


I am trying to make my life run more smoothly-not have it continue in the horrid din that it has been. This is quite trying, as I am not sure quite what to do. Nonetheless, doing nothing solves nothing!

My car…Well, that’s the other large boil in my life…Not too bad considering the trouble I could have…But still, I get in it, and it makes me want to throw up…It’s not organized, and it’s not clean…So subsequently, I feel the same.

The good news, as there always is some :0) …

Is that after my festering boil of a day…When I got into my mess of a vehicle…I came home. Ahhh…Home…

The bathroom was clean (thanks to me)…

The living room was clean (thanks to me)…

My son, at my request…(thanks to me)…Brought me chocolate! Mmmmmm…Chocolate is ALWAYS good.

My pup licked me and wagged his tail…The cats purred and meowed their “Hello”…Life isn’t so bad after all!

Here is a WONDERFUL quote given by 50sgal over at

“It was a great discovery that there is no 'secret' or 'magic pill' that allows you to do and get things done, just responsibility to yourself and the task at hand and MAKE yourself follow through.”

It’s one of those I’ve-heard-it-before deals that this time goes “Ah haaaaaaaa!” That makes sense!

I REALLY didn’t want to iron tonight, but I DID make myself, and as the poem goes…”That made all the difference”…I didn’t do a lot, but I didn’t not do any, so that makes me a success…And, I LOVE being a success!

Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday!


  1. Love your blog and your comments on 50's Gal's site! I noticed that you use Getty Images -- how do you get an account with them to be able to use their photos?

  2. Hi Civilla,

    Thank you for the nice compliment! I just get my images off of the internet. I don't have a specific account. I always try to be careful that I am not taking an image that I shouldn't, though.

  3. I have a Freefoto account and a Photobucket account. They are free and have some good stuff. I try to be careful, too, not to take pics that I shouldn't, but it is hard to tell. I look for a copyright if the pic is on an article and don't take it if it is copyrighted.

  4. Civilla,

    Yes, sometimes it is difficult to tell. But, if we are TRYING to be honest, then we're doing our very best. ;)
