BOY came home from college to surprise me! Oh, I was so happy, I could have jumped outta my britches…Well, I almost did!
I was downstairs changing pants and suddenly heard “Is anyone home around here?,” in Boy’s voice…I screamed, ran up the stairs, and as I ran, my pants started coming down, I stopped, did a button, ran some more, and they started coming down again…
It was all I could do to stand there long enough to complete buttoning them and race up and hug and kiss my baby! Oh, how joyful that was!
Elliott being silly with younger cousin…

Talking to Gramma…
We are a non-drinkin’, non-smokin’, non-drug-tokin’ kinda family, so you would THINK that we would be quite mild and unassuming… ;)
DD, DS, and son-in-law decided to each do a stunt on their bikes...

After the barbeque...

And before the fireworks…

That was all dandy…
Until the cops showed up!
They were quite nice about it all and actually mustn’t have known a whole lot about bikes…The young one out of the two, upon seeing the bike up on it’s back stunting bar, inquired “Is that how they’re SUPPOSED to be?” Ha Ha!

The funniest part of it all (for those who are familiar with the romance-novel model Fabio), was that although the two guys popping wheelies were MUCH louder (and balder/shorter haired) while revving up to pop their wheelies, than DD. BUT, she was the one that they called in about.

When the officers came over, they reported that it was someone “with long, blonde, flowing hair like Fabio”…Man, did we get a laugh out of that one! They must have mistaken her for a guy and, having long blonde hair, described her as Fabio.
We’ll have laughs about that one for years to come, I’m sure!
SPIRITUAL REMEMBERANCES...I had such a spiritual experience during the Fourth of July fireworks…
This little baby, who is barely two, just clapped and clapped as the fireworks went off…He wasn’t afraid…He just found pure joy.

The most special part was when they did a tribute to our soldiers…
Amazing Grace was played over the loud speakers by a bagpipe…
That little boy…(my grandbaby, Christian)…without any prompting from me…sat cradled in my arm with head bowed and hands together for the entire song. He felt the spirit; I just know he did…It made me cry…It makes me tear up just now thinking about it.
My dear friends, these precious little ones are so fresh from and so near to our Father in Heaven...
I have been to past shows where little children were afraid of the noise…One of those was just a couple years ago with another grandbaby.
But, not this night…
What a blessing this was to me.
On the way out, he was so relaxed and calmly let Grampa carry him out.

Life is a stress…It just plain sucks a lot of times, but look at a child…

Really SEE a child…

This is a blessing from our Father in Heaven that there truly IS…
Still good in the world…