I was reading a favorite blog of mine the other day…
Sugar Pie Farmhouse…
RuthAnn and a friend were talking, and she shared part of their conversation…
It was a blessing to me…We were talking about the difference between being joyful verses being down-in-the-dumps when we are going through hard times. She said when you are disappointed, hurt, frustrated, sad, depressed, worried, and fearful (insert any negative emotion here)…”Don’t park there.” That’s it. “Don’t park there.”...
In other words, don’t dwell on your problems. When you are “parked” at the curb of your problems you’re stuck, the scenery doesn’t change. You are not going anywhere. Negative thinking drains the battery. Read the Word to get re-charged and to remind yourself how much you are loved by your creator!...

(Read Psalm 139) Move on. Get busy doing positive things. Pull yourself up by your cute cowgirl bootstraps. Giddy-up. Cowgirl-up!...
Count your blessings! Remember “This too shall pass”. Whatever you feed on (think about) will grow bigger. So think joyful, thankful thoughts if you want big joy. We can’t change our lives until we change our thoughts. I know this is hard sometimes but the great news is we have help!
“ARISE [from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you--rise to a new life]! Shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord), for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.” Isaiah 60:1

No matter what difficulties we may be experiencing we always have something to be thankful for.
I encourage you to pop on over and visit the
Sugar Pie Farmhouse…
Aunt Ruthie just makes you feel so at home…
My Keira called and announced that after five years, she and her honey are engaged! We’re all so excited!

The wedding will be next summer, and we’re going to have so much fun planning it…
I am so thankful for beautiful people…I am blessed by my students and their drive to learn against all odds…
I am blessed…
After a dead car right before work; a Taxi ride to work (which was running late because other people were having the same problem); a cancelled class; a dear daughter who spent time jumping me and digging me out; getting stuck again right after daughter left; another half an hour trying to shovel myself out of the underlying ice that was keeping me from driving; a wonderful elderly neighbor who called asking if she could call another neighbor to help me; the nice other neighbor who pushed me out; a dead car again after work; a nice custodian who jumped me; getting stuck yet a third time, for the day, while trying to park at home; three great people who stopped to help get me out…

I had the extra blessing of my husband, who at 1:30 in the morning, upon returning from work, dug the extra car out of the snow and got it ready for me to take to work the next morning…

This was after he had put in an 18-hour day of his own dealing with the ice and snow…
I am blessed by the guy at McDonalds, who is always so nice to me…Tonight, I could tell that the man on the speaker was stressed though trying to be nice…When I got to the window, he saw it was me (not patting my own back here), and I saw that the gentleman was him—someone we’ve come to know a bit over the past few weeks. He was able to open up and tell me about his particularly trying day…
I was thankful to be able to say a prayer for him and to give him words of encouragement…
Never under estimate the power of a listening ear and a smile…
I am thankful to my Heavenly Father, who in His wisdom, once again did not allow me to be offered a position that I would love to have taken…I know that He has something better in store, and I am grateful for His patience with my humanness…
I am thankful to be cozy and warm, here under my quilts and afghan (made by my Grammas) with my two kitties curled up by me…
I am thankful to have partaken of the Christmas parade with my mom and gramma…

And to bring in the Christmas Season!