So, apparently, Fall is over. I don't know who decided that it is other than the almighty marketing industry. Christmas has been in the stores since well before Halloween, and I am just barely getting past the fact that Summer is gone…
I wish to savor the holidays, as I did when I was a child, but I fear those days to be gone. For me, part of it is working full time and not being able to enjoy my home as much as I used to be able to….Another part is that we no longer get the snow that we used to. Even now, our lawn is somewhat green, and it just doesn’t feel like Christmas when it’s green and 50 out….Yet another reason is that time has been sped up. I know that sounds strange, but I truly believe that it has been...
At any rate, I haven’t had my fall décor up very long, and it’s now time for Christmas decorating. So…here are a few last fall pictures…
Mom's bedding has a country fall feel...
In her spare bedroom, she has adorned the vintage dressing table with a lovely woman's hat...
And...Speaking of women's hats...
She collects vintage head vases...
Hearing that vintage vases were being shown, Winnie the Pooh decided to pop in...
...and see what we had to offer!
Let us all have gratitude, this Thanksgiving week, for the blessings the Lord has bestowed upon us...