SO…How was YOUR summer?
The season seems to go SO fast!...At least here in the four-seasons’ country…
I hope at least...You made time for fun…
Were able to slow down...
That you took time to contemplate...
To sit a spell...
To figure out the pieces of your life...
I hope that you made time to enjoy the companionship of family...
Even if the children were tired...;)
PUTTING MY DOG DOWN…I had to put Hercules down on July 25…
That is never an easy thing to do, especially after I waited so long for the little guy...
But, as we all know…
Life isn’t always easy…
MANY LONG HOURS WITHOUT SLEEP…Because I work nights and also work some days...
The last several weeks have been very busy…
Trying to organize my schedule!
I just finished 80 hours with only 2 hours and 45 minutes of sleep…:/
But, it will be better from here on out, I am sure...:0)
It must!
You know what they say...
Work your fingers to the bone...
Whada Ya Get???
Bony fingers! Ha Ha!
A SAYING THAT I LIKE…"I hate when people punch my abs, and they break their hand."

Ha Ha Ha! Now, I only wish it were true!
For quite a few years now…
Nine to be exact…
I have wanted to return to school...

The Lord has closed those doors to me, in a very real way. I know that He has a plan, but it has been very hard to have the faith that I need to have. If I can’t go back to school to either change and/or better myself for my professions, I would love to be a full-time homemaker…
My home is where my heart REALLY and TRULY is at…It is in my every fiber, and I must admit that I get jealous of the ladies who are privileged to stay home…
Jealousy is not good, I know…I do hope that they realize their great blessing, though.
I really need to get stronger and have more faith….
And…That is what I am working on. :0)
HERBS!...I have so been enjoying watching my beautiful organic herbs grow! I love them! I didn’t cut them back near enough (was having too much fun watching them get big ;) but am drying some for later cooking.

These mint leaves are from a plant that my daughter sowed last year…The plant is huge!

I planted both regular and garlic chives…

I guess I wasn’t thinking when I planted all of the herbs in an above-the-ground box rather than in the soil…
Likely they won’t winter over…

So, I am going to try bringing them inside…We’ll see what happens.
Lemon Basil…AND...
A NEW CELLAR DOOR…The old one was…Well…Old…
DH did such an awesome job in fabricating this new metal-framed door to take the place of the worn out wooden one. The guys then riveted steel over the frame for a super sturdy door!
MY BOY ACHIEVED HIS BLACK BELT!With all of the worry about getting video footage for him to review, I didn’t get one still-shot! I can’t actually believe that! I am Mrs. Takes-Pictures-of-Everything!
Anyway…Is this one proud mama? Uh Huh! Elliott’s instructor said that he was one of the fastest ever to go from white to black belt (gloat…;)

A plus for me is that I’m able to learn a little bit here and there, which can really come in handy at work.
DB has a great advantage in that he doesn’t LOOK like he could hurt anyone...
He doesn't have the Arnold look...
Ape look...

He’s tall, lean, and unassuming. A fourth-degree gentleman that he trains with has the same type of frame. But, don't let outside appearances fool...
They can pack a wallop!
Elliott actually received two Blacks that day…
I was about three feet from him when he broke the cinder-block slabs…Oh yeah!

We never know...
How long...
They will dwell upon this Earth…
HAVE A PRODUCTIVE WEEK...(And bless someone while you're at it;)