Friday, October 1, 2010


Just as we are to “put on” the armor of God, we are to “put on” our clothes as protection for us and others. Clothing ourselves with modest dress and modest actions—mercy, kindness, humility, patience, and charity—will invite the companionship of the Spirit and will positively affect those around us (see Colossians 3:12, 14).

-Robert D. Hales, “Modesty: Reverence for the Lord,” Liahona, Aug 2008, 18–23, as copied from Emily's blog...

I am FAR from the perfect model of modesty, but I do endear it and the feelings which it invokes…

Modesty manifests itself in different forms…An appropriate yet beautiful wedding dress...

A gathering of friends on a reverent Sabbath...

A homemaker...Or perhaps housekeeper...Going about her daily duties with a sense of pride and modesty...

The making of a covering...P. Buckley Moss artist

How is this young woman any less beautiful than her counterparts who choose to dress in clothing that reveals? In deed, she is MORE beautiful.


Have you ever noticed how pure little children are?

They just come that way…

A fresh little spirit...

Full of love and goodness…

They really don’t care WHAT they’re doing…

What OTHERS may think…

Or HOW they may look…

They just are.

Like the beauty of the season…

And the bounty of the Harvest…

Their sweet little souls bring love and joy to all around…

Apparently little Christian's truck was thirsty, as he told me here that he was giving it a drink…;)

Fall is a time of BEAUTY…

A time to GIVE THANKS…

A time to REFLECT…

Fall is a time for a HARVEST HOME…

Whatever that may be…

The WARMTH of the kitchen…

The light from HIS WORD…

And…Of course…Fall is a time for FAMILY…

I pray that we all may have a thankful heart for the many blessings which we do enjoy…

And, Yes...There are many…;)

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