Life is busy…
Started back to school…Will be giving up all but one of the classes I teach starting next Fall…Too much on my plate…
Hospital work going well…
Oldest DD divorced her husband…Have been sick to my stomach…Divorce is normal in the world…Not for us…It is not okay.
Children going through H-E-Double Hockey Sticks…Makes me want to bring them under my wings and protect their little souls.
DD #2 getting married next Spring…Was going to move back to live with DD #1 but will probably stay in Utah…She turned 25 last month…Hard to believe.
Gramma has lost some of her mind almost instantaneously…Most energetic, organized, hard-worker I’ve ever know…Something happened—we don’t know what…Poor gramma knows it and can’t do anything about it.
DS received black belt last year…Confirmed night before last…Did outstandingly! Broke three concrete slabs this time (two last time) with the heel of his hand…then broke one, while being held by instructor, with his fist…Took two blows—hand not great…But…Concrete slab broken…So proud of him.
To St. Patty’s Day parade last Saturday with DD, grandbabies, mom, and dad…Had a fine time…Little people got much candy.
Off to do homework soon.

1 comment:
I've been wondering where you got to. Life has a way of keeping one busy, doesn't it!? Your mother and grandchildren are lucky to have you to help see them through their difficult times. Stay strong.I love how you still are able to celebrate the good things in life as well. It is so hard to keep all the plates spinning sometimes.
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