I was just visiting www.lds.org and found some new sites (some of the pages have been available previously, as well) that they have announced…Though I have not yet checked them out, they appear to be very helpful.
The church is so good at helping us, along life’s path, with the sometimes ugly trials and temptations that we face.
I have heard it said more than once or twice that “You wouldn’t believe how many women in the church suffer because of the addictions of their husbands to pornography.”
Combating Pornography
While we have always had a church employment agency, it is now on the web making it more accessible...
This site is called LDS Jobs
Another great need, especially with the more trying times that we face in our world, is self-reliance…
According to LDS.org, “This page provides video and written resources to help you understand and develop self-reliance that will strengthen you and bless others.”
We so believe in the power of the family. It is the most sacred unit that there is. This Proclamation to the Family came out several years ago and is a wonderful declaration as to the importance of family. We have it displayed in our home.
I invite you to read it.
Finally, under Faith in Christ, “…prophets and apostles teach and testify of the sacred nature of the family.”
There is much more on LDS.org, including scriptures, radio, and family history.
It is a great tool for strength and growth in a sometimes-troubling world.