An UNBELIEVABLE event happened here yesterday…In our little town…
A tornado hit! This is normal for some parts of the country but never for us! Over the years, I have seen funnel clouds, one coming quite close a few years back…But, since 1958, we have never had one hit our town…

Until yesterday…
It was surreal…

DD was at a friends, heard the emergency sirens, went to get in the car to rush home to her family…And saw the twister out her car window…

My sister, who lives in a modular, rushed to Mom and Dad’s to take cover in the basement…
Her daughter, my niece, was away with a friend…The friend’s mom saw the funnel, loaded the girls up in the car and fled to the East…
The roof was blown off the arena…Debris covered the road…

A glass shop was blown away with only the walls left standing...

A casino and marina were taken out pretty badly…

Before it hit, I had just met Dad for a Father’s Day coffee…
Out of nowhere, it came…The darkness…
The down-pour…
As soon as the call came in from my sister, we headed out…

Dad headed to his house…Me to mine…

After the storm was over, and keeping in touch with Mom, who was out of state…
I could no longer make contact with Dad or Sis…So headed out to their end of town to check on them...
Water like this was everywhere…

Downtown was flooded…Cars were up on dry patches, where they could be found, drying out engines that were water-logged…

Every policeman in the city, I think, was out on duty…
There were firetrucks, ambulances, you name it, out in droves…

I sat stranded for about an hour…Not being able to go North, South, East, or West…
I surged through the water the best I could, and my poor little car was about to die out…I told my dog that I thought we were in for it…
Across the away, a guy in a car similar to mine stalled out in the flooding, waded out to get help and pushed his car up to a dry lot…
After a long time of letting my engine run on a dry spot, I went for it, and we finally made it out…
It was just the weirdest thing to experience…

Thank goodness we all were fine, but what a surreal day it was...