Thursday, June 17, 2010


My son has a full-ride scholarship in college…Ha Ha!

Each student is assigned a family-home-evening group…

Years ago, the church set aside Monday evenings for family night…Its purpose is to strengthen the family…

"Family home evenings should be scheduled once a week as a time for discussions of gospel principles, recreation, work projects, skits, songs around the piano, games, special refreshments, and family prayers. Like iron links in a chain, this practice will bind a family together, in love, pride, tradition, strength, and loyalty."
(President Ezra Taft Benson, July 1992)


kittyjty said...
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kittyjty said...

I love your posting on family home evening. I asume you are a mormon. My family is as well. I would love to follow your blog. How did you decorate your blog?

Me said...

Hello. Yes, I am Mormon. :0) I’m glad that you stopped by and would be honored to have you follow my blog!

I built my blog site with the basic template on (I believe it is). I then searched for loyalty-free images to decorate it a bit. Down on the side bar is Lisa's site, where I got the peaches decorations from.