You know when your candle gets down toward the bottom, and it’s looking less than what you would like to display?
Well…There is a frugal AND fun way to save on candles…
I always save my wax and then when I’m ready, I will melt a couple of candles and make one whole new one…
Put your mostly-used candle jars in a pot of water and turn on medium or medium-low…Do not let it boil…
You may want to use old pots, as wax invariably gets in them...
It may take a couple of hours depending on how much wax you have to melt…
You will probably have to add a new wick to the new candle…Wicks and wick holders can be purchased inexpensively at a craft store such as Michaels…
Once the wax is melted in both jars, pour one into the other…Making a complete candle…
You may use a clean third jar, adding both jars of melted wax to it…
The fun of combinging candles is not only the good feeling it gives you in saving rather than throwing but also the new scent that you have created!
Most recently, I combined a mango and peach for a lovely aroma. You can also do layers, but wait for each one to set before pouring the next layer.
When I was finished, I ended up with a brand new large-sized candle (not pictured) and had enough wax left over to make a small one to set in the kitchen…
It is a light peach color and smells yummy!
One note to watch for is that they tend to settle and funnel…Sometimes I am able to overcome this by pouring in layers and allowing to fully cool before adding the next layer. I haven’t gotten it fool-proof yet, however, so if anyone has any tips, I would be glad to hear them.
I love Salt City candles…This where the wax and jars were from…
As they can be rather spendy, the money savings is wonderful!
As you can see, this candle still needs a bit of cleaning up and the wick trimmed...
The full-sized candle that I made would sell for about $21.95, and the small one would go for around $12.00…So, that is a savings of $34…
Creativity melded with thrift makes for a few hours of satisfaction and fun!