Friday, March 12, 2010



Tuesday found me leaving work at about 7:00 p.m. or so… I was dead tired and mentally frazzled…Going home and going to bed was my top priority…

But…My brother was in from out of town, and I wasn’t going to NOT see DB when he was going to be leaving the following day, so I went out to my folk’s to visit…

By the time I got home…It was about 9:30 p.m. and time for the housework to begin.

Dog had been on the cable all day and needed tending to…I called home to see if DS would brush him out for me, so that I wouldn’t have that to do at least…This time of year is a nightmare for pet hair!

I swept all of downstairs, cleaned the litter, and fed and watered the animals. The kitchen also got swept and the laundry put away…(I had some hanging on the dryer rack from last evening).

I did another thing or two, and it was pretty late by the time all was said and done. Although I didn’t get Tuesday’s chore—ironing—done, I did feel pretty good about my accomplishments for the day.


Wednesday was an off-the-record down day.

I did help hubby to get his motorcycle from shop, and I ran the dog, but other than that, it was a sharpen-the-saw day…


I’m not sure if I’ve shown this outfit (or part of it) before…But…


Since I can’t remember…

Let’s just show it anyway! ;)

It’s all about attitude really…We don’t have to have expensive clothes to feel good or to look good for that matter.

Have you ever known anyone with really bad skin, but their smile was so engaging that you really never saw the acne? Well…That’s how it is with clothes…

Wear what you like…

Don’t worry about whether it’s “In” or not because…Well…Who really cares? I never have.

And…Make sure that you’re comfortable in your outfit.


A couple of ladies (who shall remain nameless) were commenting one evening on my sweater. They may have said that they liked it…I really don’t recall. What I DO recall, however, is that the one said, “I used to have a similar one”. The other replied, “So did I”. And then there was some comment about, “Well, maybe they’ll come back in.” GASP! The “IN” word! Well, was that a virtual slap in the face, or what?! (They really didn’t mean anything by it.)

So…Did I go home and promptly hide my dear sweater in the inner depths of my closet? My word, No! I still wear it and feel good…No, great...Every time I do! :0)

If you’re like me, and you don’t like to shop…

Be creative!

I am always putting together what some may call “the same ole’”…The same ole’ top…The same ole’ pants…With a different top…Or different pants…Or different jewelry…Or a different coat…Or…

Do you get the picture?

You can have a seemingly whole new outfit just by being imaginative!

Since I keep my clothes for a long time, I don't usually recall just what I paid for them...But here's a guesstimate...

Jacket—-Second-Hand Store…Probably between $4.00 and $7.00

Leopard Print Blouse-—T.J. Max (?)…I’m sure that this was under $12 and maybe less.

Heart Necklace—Second-Hand Store…$3.00

Earrings—Second-Hand Store…Between $1.00 and $3.00

Standard Narrow-Legged Pants…I don’t honestly remember where I got these other than that I believe they were given to me…Free

Black Half Boots—Maaaaaaybe WalMart…?

I have such a time finding shoes in this one-size-fits-all society. I remember growing up when they would actually measure your feet and fit a shoe exactly to your foot. I had a AA toe and a AAAA heel. Now, I have to find what I can (usually wider than I need) and make do…

So, these would have been the most expensive item at around $22.

Depreciate your clothing over the number of times that you have worn it…And, if you started off with relatively inexpensive items (quality does count, as they will last longer), then you have a nice-looking and reasonably priced outfit.



Number of times worn: 12 (It could be more for sure)
Price: $7.00
Today’s cost to wear: .58


Number of times worn: 15 (Again, I’m guessing)
Price: $12.00
Today’s cost to wear: .80


Number of times worn: 5
Price: $3.00
Today’s cost to wear: .60


Number of times worn: 5
Price: $3.00
Today’s cost to wear: .60


Number of times worn: No guesses here
Price: Free
Today’s cost to wear: Free


Number of times worn: 15 (Could very well be 20 or more)
Price: $22.00
Today’s cost to wear: 1.47



Now, that’s a deal!

Did I like it?...Yes

Was it comfortable?...Yes, and the shoes were comfortable for the amount of walking I did…(Very important little trick ladies…Wear appropriate shoes for the day’s activities)

Was it “IN”…Don’t know and Don’t care

So, see ladies (and gentlemen ;), we can all dress with respect and dignity for a very low output....

And doesn't that feel good!


Work, work, and more work…:/ Work I brought home and work that’s AT home…ALL waiting to be done…

And the yard to clean…and the car to wash…and the oil to change…and the draperies…and the tapestries…and…

Stop right there! We all know the saying…

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”…

Well I neither intend to be dull OR a boy, so I’m going to play a little bit with my babies at the St. Patty’s Day parade and then…

For at least part of the time this balmy Saturday afternoon…

This is where you’ll find me…

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