Sunday, February 8, 2009


What a wonderful day the Lord has prepared for us...a day of rest...a day of rejuvenation.


At the beginning of the new year, our church hours went back to an early schedule, which is nice in some aspects, though there is no more staying up late on Saturday nights…well, I do anyway :)

Hubby hopped out of bed—I drug myself out. Seven fifteen or seven thirty is not early, but, alas, I have never been a morning person. I am a night owl living in a day world.

Washed, cleaned, and dressed...

...Out into the beautiful Spring-like morning we went.

The little boys were ready when we got to their house. They looked so adorable in their little three-piece suits. :) Armed with scriptures, wipes, and snacks, off to church we went.

Adrien had a cold with accompanying cough, so I kept him out of Nursery, and he came with DH and I to Sunday School and with me to Relief Society. Julian went to his Sunbeam class where they made little heart pictures, which were so cute. :) I just love the little creations that children make.

After church, I tied on my red gingham apron and fired up the griddle!

It was a pancake brunch...

(Mine were pumpkin with milk chocolate and white chocolate chips)

After brunch, the little guys were antsy. When Julian asked to play outside, I said a quick, “Yes”! Did they have fun! In the dirt with a little garden shovel digging for plants and planting rocks. :) After they got their full dose of play and vitamin D, I called them in and popped them into a bubbly bath.

It always feels good to see the little people playing and then getting them cleaned up! They bubbled and poured and played for a nice long time in the warm bathroom. Aren’t we spoiled with electricity and fans that heat our bathrooms?! The pioneers had it tough in so many ways.

In the meantime, our home teachers called on us bringing Valentine cookies in hand!

While my honey and son were able to visit, I was busy talking to Mom on the phone. She and Dad just gotten back from a trip, and it was great to know that they made it home safely. I missed them! At the same time, my daughter and her boyfriend decided it was time to take the little people back to Mama, so they had to be dried and dressed. Then, off they set...

Having my spirit fed at Church, my body fed at home, and my heart fed by my babies made for a bless-ed Sabbath Day.

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