Wednesday, February 17, 2010


A Yummy Cod Bake...

Some left-over acorn squash…Added in are some left-over buttered carrots…(One wouldn’t think that this sounded very enticing, but...

Sprinkle on some brown sugar...And...

Oooo, it was scrumptions!

A Cozy Kitty…

A little man’s drawing…

Love letters…

And a family portrait…

And these are a few of my favorite things...

This family portrait is representative…Though it was not purposefully arranged, it quite ironically turned into a true illustration of our family…

The GNE bag was my husband (the name of his work at the time)…He enveloped all of us.

The leash…Me…(I trained dogs)…was under his covering but at the same time…beside him (the dog’s Kong) as co-leader in our home.

Daughter #2 was/is a voracious reader and Boy played soccer…They too were enclosed within the family.

Daughter #1 was, at the time, going away and though still young, wanting to disengage. She is represented here by the inline skate (something she loved to do), outside of but yet leaning upon the family.

This was DH’s very first oil painting.

A Happy Thursday to You All!

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