Sunday, February 21, 2010


I feel to tell of the blessings of my friends in Blog land. Perhaps I should not name them as I certainly don’t want to being going along my day tomorrow and think, “Oh no! I forgot so and so!” That would be much too sad, as they would then think that they weren’t as important as the rest, when really is was just my own silly foible. So…I wish to say to all of you who are my friends…Whose blogs I follow (as lamely as that my be for I get not the time that I wish to thoroughly visit each of you as long and as often as I wish)…Thank you for being an example to me!

thank you pictures Pictures, Images and Photos

I say “Hello” to any of you who may be so kind as to read my words from my little corner of the world. I say to you also, “Thank you”. You too are a blessing in my life.

Hello-Anime Pictures, Images and Photos

What a marvelous thing…Technology. It frustrates me so much at times and at others I think, “My, what a glorious time I live in to have this good fortune of being able to visit many people in different parts of this country and even the world….

You have allowed me to peek upon your lives and to be able to learn from you and be humbled by you and to take from you examples to better my own life…

The Lord indeed uses the hands and hearts of others to bless each of our lives, and I thank you.

blessings Pictures, Images and Photos

I am blessed to be able to offer up prayers for you as well, when you are struggling….Not that I am a great prayer warrior, but I know that our Heavenly Father honors prayers, and I am so happy to add mine to yours in hopes of you getting the strength you need to carry on.

Praying for you glitter hands Pictures, Images and Photos

I tear up as I write this…Because I am so thankful for you. What AWESOME and OUTSTANDING examples you are to me. If you are thinking, “I wonder if she is speaking of me.” Yes, my dear, I am. :0) Again, would that I could name names, but I cannot…

Just know that I am astonished at what you accomplish…Even when you feel like you aren’t…I am just amazed. I can Truthfully say that I have grown, that I am accomplishing more than I would without knowing you through reading your blogs, and that my life is so much better because of you!

greetings Pictures, Images and Photos

So…From the bottom of my heart…Thank you dear friends!

And…I am proud to call you that. Blessings to YOU this day!

GLITTER HEART Pictures, Images and Photos

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